New Technologies, Greater Diversity and the Future of Communication Studies

What does a more diverse, inclusive, and truly international community of communication scholars look like? How do we get there? How might emergent technologies revolutionize the field of communication? Dr. Arienne Ferchaud is joined by Dr. Srividya Ramasubramanian and Dr. Mary Beth Oliver as they try to answer big questions about the field’s future and discuss how communication scholars can collaborate with other disciplines as the field diversifies, modernizes, and grows more inclusive. 

Arienne Ferchaud
Srividya Ramasubramanian
Mary Beth Oliver


More from our host and guests:

Assistant Professor | College of Communication & Information 
Florida State University 

Newhouse Professor | Newhouse School of Public Communications 
Syracuse University 
Editor-in-Chief | Communication Monographs
Founding Director | Difficult Dialogues & CODE^SHIFT 
Co-Founder & Executive Director | Media Rise 
Twitter: @DrSrivi

Donald P. Bellisario Professor of Media Studies | Department of Film/Video & Media Studies Penn State University 
Research Fellow | The International Communication Association 

Works Referenced in Episode: 

Copy and Audio Editor: 
Sharlene Burgos

Executive Producer:
DeVante Brown

New Technologies, Greater Diversity and the Future of Communication Studies
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